Almost Famous!
I have enjoyed many gifts so far this holiday season.... I have received many tidings of Joy, Peace and Happiness.... gifts too! My camera is on the fritz so please bear with me ;)
I got a Package from Nora at Black Dog Knits! She made me the cutest stitch markers!I can't beleive that she paid 8 bucks to ship them... Thanks Nora... They are being used as we speak!
(Pic here coming soon)
I got an AWESOME package from Cherryl! She sent Coffee, Chocolate, Sock yarn (handpainted, striping & Jager), Sock patterns, a cute Christmas deer tin, and a lovely pin for my shawls! The chocolate didn't last long in this family so it won't be seen in the pic... maybe just the box ;)
(pic here coming soon)
I have to get on a "soap" box right now! AWESOME body goods! go to GO RIGHT NOW! Her stuff is so useful and I can't live with out the mint julip lip balm..... And my kids go insane for her animal soaps! I I don't think I will ever shop for lip balm and animal soaps anywhere else now ;)
(Pic coming soon)
Mama Llama is available in Canada! AND I have an "official logo"
Did you see? Go here! Thats me and my self striping yarn! I am filling up my store this week with different colorways.... I am busting my butt to get more variety out there! Phewwww!
here are some pics I have saved on the computer of the Canada shipment... enjoy....

Thanks you guys... have an awesome week! I'll update with pictures ASAP ;)
I got a Package from Nora at Black Dog Knits! She made me the cutest stitch markers!I can't beleive that she paid 8 bucks to ship them... Thanks Nora... They are being used as we speak!
(Pic here coming soon)
I got an AWESOME package from Cherryl! She sent Coffee, Chocolate, Sock yarn (handpainted, striping & Jager), Sock patterns, a cute Christmas deer tin, and a lovely pin for my shawls! The chocolate didn't last long in this family so it won't be seen in the pic... maybe just the box ;)
(pic here coming soon)
I have to get on a "soap" box right now! AWESOME body goods! go to GO RIGHT NOW! Her stuff is so useful and I can't live with out the mint julip lip balm..... And my kids go insane for her animal soaps! I I don't think I will ever shop for lip balm and animal soaps anywhere else now ;)
(Pic coming soon)
Mama Llama is available in Canada! AND I have an "official logo"
Did you see? Go here! Thats me and my self striping yarn! I am filling up my store this week with different colorways.... I am busting my butt to get more variety out there! Phewwww!
here are some pics I have saved on the computer of the Canada shipment... enjoy....

Thanks you guys... have an awesome week! I'll update with pictures ASAP ;)