Harry came Knockin'

So here are the Sockapalooza socks I have procrastinated on for the past 3 months.... Only took me 6 days to do them. Yipee, one responsiblity down, about a billion to go....
Griffindor socks for Mom. She requested socks for her Aug 5th birthday. eeeeek!I did this while watching talladega nights tonight...

I am well aware I have been a terrible friend and blogger lately...My bloglines should have a hammer attatched with its alret system for losers like me.....
Anybody else feeling a little swammped this summer break?
I am really looking forward to Chris and my "date night" this weekend, I haven't been away from the kids in forever and my brain is mush... When Chris gets home from work I corner him for adult conversation! We all remember that commercial where the wife talks baby to the husband right?
Oh my husband just got intouch with a long lost friend and he is traveling the country and documenting his travels on his blog. go check it out
I am reading my bloglines right now, then I have to dye like crazy..... have a great week everyone :)