A little Bit of This

One Skein Wonder..... I hope my 1 ball of calmer will stretch to fit the yardage needed for this pattern. This is such a quick knit.... I've only worked on it for about 2 hours and I'm nearly done... love it when you can get a "quick fix" garment! ;)
Speaking of Quick fix garments I've chosen a lot of tank top patterns for summer knits.... And its no surprise that all of them are larger guaged items. Phew! I have them Queued on Ravelry if you're curious!

Portal Socks from "Twisted"..... I have made these as a gift for my best friend Jenn. I hope they aren't too big for her. Every time I make her socks they always come out loose! Shes wears the pairs I make her, until they fall off her feet. Knitters always love getting knitted gifts :)

Portal Socks from "Twisted"..... I have made these as a gift for my best friend Jenn. I hope they aren't too big for her. Every time I make her socks they always come out loose! Shes wears the pairs I make her, until they fall off her feet. Knitters always love getting knitted gifts :)
I was gifted an amazing pair of Socks from my good friend Lisa. She is really an awesome designer and I sent her a skein of Mama Llama Monterey and this is what she came up with. I love wearing these socks!

Weight update: Well, my new eating habits amd exercise routines are working out for the best. I started a sweater in late December that will be too big for me when I finish so I've decided to put it to rest. Whats the point of finishing a sweater that will be too big? I've decided to go ahead and account for weight loss in my tank top projects.... Just not sure how many inches I'll end up "bust-wise" when all is said and done.....
If you want to know the link that I find most healpful for small weight gaols its this:
Fill in the fields and follow the suggested caloric intake.... It really works! But to get a realistic calorie intake you have to exercise regularly...... I do 140 mins. activity/week and I consider that "moderate" exercise.
I document all my calories and exercise minutes on Sparkpeople.com
They even have a Ravelry group! yey!
take care :)