Sing a Song!

So, I know I promised a free pattern in the past post, but I have 3 people just itching for size specs. and that takes a lot of math and work, so I will be selling the pattern instead... Sorry folks :( Please don't tar and feather me...
I'm nearly done writing it and I need a few people to proof it and maybe knit small portions of the pattern to make sure there are no glitches. Warning I will be releasing it for sale before a full test knit is finished.

I've already started another tank top with Berroco Zen Colors. This tank is just plain knit, nothing special... The yarn is way too pretty to put it with a lace pattern.
SP Question of the week:
What is your favorite summer vacation childhood memory?
My parents took all us kids to Pensecola FL every summer for about 10 yrs. in a row. My older Brother and Sisters are 13 yrs older than us twins so it was kind of a crazy troop! Teenagers and toddlers! Of course I had the "cool parents" that let their kids take friends on vacation with them.... So we always had atleast 12 people along for the ride!