To the Summit?

Mama Llama got accepted as a vendor for the 2009 Sock Summit! Now that the excitement has worn off a little reality has set in. Can Mama Llama really afford the stock/travel/set up/food for this trip in Aug.? I keep running the numbers I sure think it is worth a try.
I have more good news to throw your way.... Carmen is moving back from Brasil in July! Since Brandon will be beginning kindergarten after this summer I plan on making Mama Llama more of a full time job, Carmen is anxious to get her hands dirty in the marketing portion of the business. It is no secret that I am my own worse enemy when it comes to salesmanship, so it will be nice to have someone else besides Chris to shove me once in awhile!
I have posted some yummy yarn and stitch markers on Etsy if you want to check them out.
No knitting news to report. I have been busy with work and I am pretty sure I will be swamped for another month or two.
Color Co-op colorway for March
New Mama Llama Colorway, Granola Girl
Hope you check in once in awhile.... I'll be here posting new colorways and stitch marker creations..... :)