Wow! It has been a very long time since my last post.
In March I started a KAL for the Color Co Op group on Ravelry and had a hysterectomy on the 29th and took a 6 week mandatory break from dyeing. Yesterday my 6 weeks ended and I'm looking forward to getting my hands dirty again :)
I've been reading so many books in the past 3 months that I have only knitted a few items.

My book list includes:
Percy Jackson and the Olympians seies
Hunger Games Series
forest of Hearts
Handmaids Tale
Book Thief
If I stay
Forest of Hands and Teeth
The Maze Runner
The world We Knew, The Dead and Gone, This World we Live In (survival series)
Three Cups of Tea
I know most of them are Young Adult Sci-fi but I liked them. Very easy and entertaining reads, great story telling.
I allowed myself only 1 club this year and I joined the Color Co-Op. There are some very talented dyers and I look forward to my first shipment! I'll share with you guys when it arrives!
In March I started a KAL for the Color Co Op group on Ravelry and had a hysterectomy on the 29th and took a 6 week mandatory break from dyeing. Yesterday my 6 weeks ended and I'm looking forward to getting my hands dirty again :)
I've been reading so many books in the past 3 months that I have only knitted a few items.

My book list includes:
Percy Jackson and the Olympians seies
Hunger Games Series
forest of Hearts
Handmaids Tale
Book Thief
If I stay
Forest of Hands and Teeth
The Maze Runner
The world We Knew, The Dead and Gone, This World we Live In (survival series)
Three Cups of Tea
I know most of them are Young Adult Sci-fi but I liked them. Very easy and entertaining reads, great story telling.
I allowed myself only 1 club this year and I joined the Color Co-Op. There are some very talented dyers and I look forward to my first shipment! I'll share with you guys when it arrives!