Most Embarrassing Moment?
Set the stage: I've been teaching a private class for a couple of months now. These ladies are fantastic! They bring wine and treats ;we have a ton of fun!
I went to teach my private class tonight and the ladies that usually attend were acting very strangely! I wondered what was going on... They started to giggle and talked about a surprise......One of the ladies brought cupcakes, and another brought a gift! I was flabbergasted and flattered, but it wasn't for me! I was certainly surprised when they said happy Birthday Sheryl (one of the owners of Yarntopia). I was so horrified; how embarrassing. I played it off, but I could feel that my face was burning red! I turned and and shook Sheryls hand to tell her Happy Birthday. I asked when it was and told her and the ladies mine was the day after. Of course non of them had known and I think I might of made the entire occassion a little awkward for a few seconds. Then I felt bad that I had announced my birthday... WOW talk about stealing thunder! That was not my intention, and I don't think it was taken that way. Anyhow, I was embarrassed and I will think twice before thinking everything is about me! ;)
Happy Birthday Sheryl!
And go look I'm on Kpixie too!

Winner! Sarah you won the drawing! I will contact you for your address soon ;)
I went to teach my private class tonight and the ladies that usually attend were acting very strangely! I wondered what was going on... They started to giggle and talked about a surprise......One of the ladies brought cupcakes, and another brought a gift! I was flabbergasted and flattered, but it wasn't for me! I was certainly surprised when they said happy Birthday Sheryl (one of the owners of Yarntopia). I was so horrified; how embarrassing. I played it off, but I could feel that my face was burning red! I turned and and shook Sheryls hand to tell her Happy Birthday. I asked when it was and told her and the ladies mine was the day after. Of course non of them had known and I think I might of made the entire occassion a little awkward for a few seconds. Then I felt bad that I had announced my birthday... WOW talk about stealing thunder! That was not my intention, and I don't think it was taken that way. Anyhow, I was embarrassed and I will think twice before thinking everything is about me! ;)
Happy Birthday Sheryl!
Please share your most embarrassing moment!
"That Damn Baby Blanket" is almost done, my friend called today and told me she had the baby on Saturday! yeah! The blanket is officially late. :( When I finish it up I will post a Pic and the pattern. Then get started on those beautiful lace scarves that I have planned!
Of course ya'll aren't gettin outta this post without some eye candy! 365yds merino/tencel... Berkley is my favorite out of this bunch. It looks fantastic reskeined too.And go look I'm on Kpixie too!
Winner! Sarah you won the drawing! I will contact you for your address soon ;)