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Saturday, February 25, 2006


The kiddos were asleep..... The husband was at poker night..... I enjoyed wine, cheese, and knitted a cute purse while watching my favorite movie BRAVEHEART! As you can see Birch made an appearance but she got a little feisty when I casted on and finished a project right infront of her! Poor old girl :) I was invited to a Mary Kay party and wanted to show up with a little something cute... I got the idea from Sheryl... It is made of 1 ball of Lampes Lumps using Sz 10 needles to get a tight weave.... Of course it was the hit of the party!

On Thursday night the "Katy" and "Richmond" group knitters were invited to Amy and Sheryl's yarn shop and help knit swatches! Oh I was soooo there! What fun, they have so much yarn already and we got to poke through everything and knitted with some truly exquisite yarn! While I was there Brynne gave me a birthday gift isn't it the cutest?(pic below) She hand made it, like the woman doesn't have enough talent ;) I got another giftie from Jenni while I was there, lavender fabric softener... You guys know I am APE about LAVENDER! It smells soooooo good.

So who joined the Rockin Sock Club? I have to confess that I emailed them on Friday to sign up for a year... I know for a fact that they wouldn't accept 2 payments to ease the pain of the $173 but I had to ask! I had also said "please send the invoice and I will pay ASAP".... Kaci wrote back and said that's not an option this year....Still waiting for my invoice to pay!

Want to know how I can afford to pay for the year? I sold my husbands old XBOX on ebay to raise half of the funds... Now I am selling a few other things to raise the old Paypal account balance!


Blogger Tracy Batchelder said...

Do the Richmond knitters sometimes get together to knit at The Coffee Station? My son saw about thirty knitters in there one night.

8:56 PM  
Blogger chris said...

Your bag is the cutest!! So pretty and adorable- I love the look of Lampes Lumps! And your Yarntopia time sounded so fun!! It must've been so awesome to be able to knit with all the different yarns. What wonderful birthday gifts, too! I'm so envious of your Rockin Sock Club membership!! I can't wait to see all your beautiful sock yarn... I have to hide my credit card everytime I visit that site. ;-) Take care and have a great weekend! :-0

10:49 PM  
Blogger CynCyn said...

i SO wanted to join the SOCKS that rock club, but I wanted to be able to choose the yarn colors... seeing as I hate the color pink. But, I covet their yarn... I'll be buying some once the stash-a-long has ended.
Such exciting news about kpixie!

12:28 AM  
Blogger amylovie said...

I'm glad you had a good time. I sure did! We'll do it again soon.


5:44 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I am so wanting to join but am resisting until I raise funds in my paypal account! ;)

7:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much fun to have friends that own a knit shop and to be able to knit swatches for them. Your bag is so cute! I caved in and joined the Rockin Sock Club.

7:48 AM  
Blogger Mary Ann said...

I like a good glass of wine with my knitting too, but I have to be sure what I'm working on is a simple pattern, not one requiring a lot of concentration. I have had to frog several rows after being a little too "relaxed".

12:11 PM  
Blogger Dani said...

The bag is so nice :) I alos wanted to join the Socks club, but uh, no need for more sock yarn over here! Anyways, hope all is well :)

7:04 AM  
Blogger Nyxxie said...

Yeah I signed up for the rocking sock club how could you resist. LOL

Love the purse! Wow.

Yeah on my phone I take a pic and then message it to my blog it took a lot of time to get it all to work but blogger does most of the work for you. Just send a txt or pix message to go@blogger.com and it will send you a # back you get on line and log in and you can combine the new blog it created with the one you already have. Works pretty well. The only thing I don't like is the advertisement thing that Verizon puts at the bottom that I cannot get rid of. I need to call them. I set this up so I could post with out the computer after I finished my sweater but by then I was way to tired to worry about it! LOL

6:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sock Club seems to be a lot of fun, I hope you get enough through eBay to join!

Me, I can't even knit one pair in a month, let alone two. I'll just knit vicariously through you!

- MJ

3:41 PM  

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