Math Who?
Knitpicks Gauge shell, and this.....and this...Once you get the hang of it, it starts to make perfect sense! For Socks I am guilty of using this...and this....
I am sure there are a lot more free resources out there that I need to find, and I plan on it :) Patterns? I don't need no Stinking Patterns! (Blazing Saddles)
Well, not entirely true! I am guilty of purchasing this one by Staphanie Japel the instant it came out for sale! I can't affore the $188 it will cost for the Tilli Tomas, so I will probably use something else ;)
I have been in a funk this past week and have hardly knitted at all....And, my house is just a tad bit cleaner from it...... Here are some things I maged to do in the past week:

I am still working on my secret socks for Jenn. I hope it can cheer her up when I finally send them... She found out last week that she has Lupus and is getting in with a good Dr. in San Fran in Aug. When we talk on the phone or IM each other my DH always refers to her as Lupy now :) That always puts a smile on her face.....
Jenn and I have accounts. I stated a knitting group on myspace... Here is the link. If you have a myspace account go ahead and join, if ya don't it's easy to sign up!
I also took over ownership of a yahoo group called Knitalong... We are voting on our next knitalong right now.. Very fun bunch of people... If you want to join that here is the link....
Wendy over at Catknits is joining the Lace knitters swap.. I have until tomm. Aug 1st to decide if I want to join in... Sounds like a lot of fun!
This morning I was going to sit on the sofa when I saw this!

Hillard spelled that! I couldn't beieve my eys, sometimes that kid really surprises us :) That is the 5th word he has spelled on his own during play time!
My SP package came! Woo HooHow did she know that these are the exact products that I use!!!! And she made me washcloths too... The cotton yarn she used is really soft. I want to know what it is....

I bought some yarn on Saturday! This has got to be the sofest, light yarn I have ever touched! I know what your thinking I broke my vow... But, I really didn't because it is for a friend that is pregnant. She is 12 weeks along and kept it secret until now... So of course she is getting a baby blanket! So Chris said that the purchase of this yarn doesn't count! I also found the perfect pattern for it! Speaking of knocked up friends, go give your congrats to Brynne! she is due in early April!(high five)
I am drooling over some Suri merino at My LYS to make this I will probably crack and go it pretty soon ;) And a couple of skiens to make this....
I guess we are up to speed! I am hopeful that when school starts my knitting ablogging habits will return to normal ;)
Have a great week!