Great Weekend!
Hello everyone! I had a great weekend b/c I was invited to join Random Acts Of Kindness (RAOK)! Alright! I was so happy to get the invite, I joined ASAP. I have been working on getting my blog up-to-date that my WIP have suffered. I am getting angry with my scarf. Some of the stitches are very loose and look crooked! It is driving me insane and I am beginning to thing I don't know what the heck I am doing!See that loose stitch in the middle cable! aughhhhh. I have tried to fix it several times but no dice. Some of the cables come out peeeerfect, but others look absolutely horrible!
I am very happy with this hat. It is coming along very well but it continues to roll!!! I will start the cute tank top when my needles get here.
I need to start serching for my first RAOK. This is going to be so much fun. Wish me luck:)
Your scarf looks beautiful! And I love the way the hat is comming along.
No one will see that loose stitch. Don't sweat it.
See you tomorrow!
Welcome to RAOK! I love the color you chose for your scarf. I know how you feel about mistakes, but remember it makes a project uniquely yours:)
I understand the want t oknit - but you also want to blog about the knitting...but without the knitting there is less to blog...and the setting up-OY! :-)
Scarf looks grand! Cheers!
Hi Catherine,
It was great seeing you and the little ones yesterday. They are precious.
I love your button! Did you make it yourself? Thanks for putting my button on too. If you want to make it smaller you can add height="39" width="105" to the code right after the .jpg"
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