Left me in Stitches:)
Bead It Two is here and I have been assigned someone! I was so excited that iIscrapped all the stitch markers I made last week as "practice" and made more. I have no clue what I will send to my person tommorow, Chris will help me decide. Here are most of the ones I have made over the past week and tonight. Close ups are just below.
These are great! Once I got the hang of the tools the markers stared coming out perfectly. I got them snag free! Here are my favorites out of the whole lot.
These are a mess! They fit sz 8 needles and smaller. I was "practicing" with these so they will become my official sock markers:) Can't send these to anyone, it would be embarassing!
Got The sheep and sissor charms from Knits for Sanity, Laura. So cute as stitch markers right?
Once I got the hang of the tools these are the products of tonights work! I love them they are great. I have made lots of earrings for family and friends but never took pics:(
Now I am gonna have a yarn and bead obssesion. My poor husband! I still haven't heard word on my SP5 and I am anxious to start shopping for them!!!! Today was crazy for me both the boys have pink eye in both eyes! I watch my twin sisters two boys during the day while she works (they are exactly the same age as my two boys) they have pink eye also. Like I said Crazy Cranky day for us all!