(this is from knitty.com, archive section under shawls)
Take a good look at it folks. I am rippin' it out later today! I just have made too many mistakes, and the fatal one happened at the 12th twist! my sister called and I was not paying attention and all of the stitches slipped. I have been rippin' it out row by row to recover the stitches properly but keep messing up. Thats it this scarf was not meant to be. I will start a new one with the remaining 2 balls I have. I just can't face rippin' with out a WIP. Oh I want to scream and cry at the same time! My hubby was scared of me last night b/c i was furious with myself. he told me that knitting was suppose to relax me not raise my blood pressure:) he gave me big hug and tried to help. (to no avail)
Here is a close up. This scarf has taught me a lot. I worked backwards, forwards, and learned how to correct a whole bunch of goofs. Next time I will be more careful. Got the hang of it now:) Maybe I should start on my sons hat? I will be thinking of tackling this scarf the whole time!
Well, here we go, I am getting busy on the irish hiking scarf. i felt like taking a break from my horrible aluminium size 7 needles. boy those suckers hurt my hands:) to cheap to buy bamboo sz 7! i am having trouble with my cable needle, but have successfully made my first official twist. boy do i sound green or what. the close up is below. I took the pic on the directions so you get an idea of what it is going to look like. (soon i hope)
I must tell you that i went to the hospital today to visit my sister and brought the bag for her to see. the nurse flipped out and showed it off at the nurses station. i like my new passion. it gives me motivation to learn more techniques:)
I finished the bag today, pic doesn't do it justice! I feel great i got it done in 17 days! It didn't come out as i expected but i still like it and will get good use out of it. next bag i will make a few motifications.
Now on to my next project:) Went to a new yarn shop and had a good time! I have met a few people that have knit and stitch near me on thursday so i am gonna go. I started working on my cable irish hiking scarf. I am new to cable and thought this would be the perfect intro:) I know this WIP will go by quickly so i can start DS's neat hat i have planned. think I might throw in some cabling on that sucker too:)
I visit all these great blogs and they are so advanced! these mighty women pop out garments in a matters of weeks it seems:) can't wait until i get that good.
The felted bag has about 4 more hours of love and labor then it needs to be felted:)
This is the yarn i got from Elann.com. I couldn't wait to get it. now i can't wait to finish bag to get started on other projects.
i still need to order my DH's Noro Iro for his hat:) He is soooo excited! he keeps asking when I will make it!
I am going to start a tank top for my twin sis, pretty soon. still looking for the perfect yarn and pattern!