As Promised!

Here is a closer look fo the arms attatched. as you can see the holes for the armpits where the 3 needle bind off will take care of that!! Those are the prettiest sleeves right?!!!!!

Here she is right before I attempted to put her together. Both of us were a little nervous! Pardon my messy bed, it was Sunday afterall:)

I got tired doing Tempting ALL weekend so I also started Chris's long, long,long awaited Noro hat!!!! I really like this stuff. It is a little awkward how the yarn gets big and small, the colors are great!

Time to show off some RAOK's I got this one from Keri! I love the pen it is sooooo me!!! and the trinket bag is all the way from mexico! Muchas Gracias Keri:)

This yarn was sent from Caitlyn! I love the colors, she saw this in her stash and just had to send it since the colors were similar to the other pair of socks I am making for my parents. You've got good taste girl!

On Friday I was feeling very, very ,very ,home-body like so when Chris and I put the kids to bed I went to starbucks to sit and knit BY MYSELF!!!! It was really nice. Saturday morning Brandon was getting bored so he and I decided to go to the LYS, Yarns 2 Ewe, and shop a bit. This is what I got! Lamb's Pride worsted, Encore worsted and some addis. I always feel overwhelmed when I go to a yarn shop!!!! I want everything. I think I might have to exchange the Encore though....Oh well I will just might have to treat myself to some Latern Moon needles with the store credit:)

When i finish Tempting you can count on seeing it on!!!