Okay, so I wasn't super pleased with the sublte results of the first dye job, so I packed the kids and headed to Walmart to get more grape Kool Aid.... I put 5 packets of the stuff in my pot and redyed the yarn.... As you can see I weighed the yarn down with a fry basket, it worked great!

I pulled it out washed it and hung to dry, this is what I woke up to in the morn.... My friend Jenn suggested that I wind it in a ball or knit it up b/c sometimes the prettiest yarns just look plain ugly on the hank. Well she was soooooo right! This has got to be the prettiest yarn I have ever seen! Ni lie, and the following pics do not do it justice. I you want the recipe for it just ask:)

Pic One

Pic Two, don't look at my nasty window sill!!!! Do you see the hint of blue that remained from the first dye attempt? The blues Lavendars and Deep purple go very well together. If I had to name this stuff I couldn't?

Stick a fork in them baby b/c they are done:) My parents socks made it, can you believe it? I am in love with the magic loop method but i am having trouble casting on for my next pair of socks. casting on and doing the first few rows have always been the slowest part of knitting for me!!!!!!

Hope everyone had a grand weekend..... I stayed up late Saturday night doing needle exchange assginments with Chris. I was dissapointed when I couldn't participate b/c there was an odd number, but I had a last minute entry on Sunday so I think we may partner up:)
my questionaire!!!!
1. What do you like to knit or crochet? (socks, sweaters, etc.)
I like to knit socks mostlt… I want to try lacing too.2. What fibers do you like? Just about anything….
3. What type of needles do you use most often?
I use addi turbos and bamboo4. Do you like to knit in the round?
I love to knit in the round!! Magic loop and circs.5. Do you use a magic loop method or any other we should know about? Are you interested in learning a new method?
Love the magic loop, could use 40” sz 1’s or 2’s……7. Do you have a favorite place that you shop online? (knitpicks.com, knitpixie.com, jimmybeanswool.com....)?
love knitpicks(price is right) 8. Do you want to be surprised? then erase all your answers above and write surprise me
I also love surprises!!!!!!