HANKy Tank Blue's!!

Have a great weekend everyone.
I tried to make the pictures larger but no luck. this was suppose to be a hat for DS discovered it would be too big so I kept going to make it for DH. Chris says that he didn't like the way it rolled at the bottom. I tried the hat on and it looked great! So, here is my soon to be hat:) I absolutely love it and I am going to try to finish up by tommorow.
You can the circs on my head, very stylish don't you think? Oh Yeah and my shirt is not only inside out, but also backwards! go figure:) DH laughed and took the picks anyway!!!
I am going to start my socks by sunday night! wish me luck b/c this is the first time I am attempting socks! I have the basic sock pattern from lion brand and some magic stripes!!!! more later:)
Here are the current WIP's!!!! There is the fair isle hat, the scarf, and i have started the tank for my sister.
Close up of the tank. There are 290 stitches on this sucker and counting them was a hassle. I have discovered that ribbon yarn stitches like to hide under each other! the first 2 rounds were tough but now that i am in the middle of the fifth it is smooth sailing from here:)
I love how this sock yarn has turned out for DH's hat. Remember this was suppose to be for DS but I put way too many stictches ha ha ha!
Goddies, Goodies, Goodies! See the felted bag?(March archive) the other two bags were given to me by a good friend this weekend and I couldn't wait to use them. My friend's mom passed away late last year and I helped her pack up her moms stuff this weekend. I was uncomfortable at first( I really liked her mom a lot) but after the first few minutes it got easier. I ended up leaving with 3 or 4 bags full of great stuff. I also got 2 knitting books as well. Bob the Builder toys belong to children not me. Although you can always find them in my bags:)
Close up of a Vera Bradley bag. Lots of pockets inside and really spacey for yarn and macthing tote.
Hanging travel make up case, now is a needle and notion tote:)
Sara, thanks for letting me be apart of your weekend and I have already made great use of the bags, clothes, shoes, books, hair dryer, and the rest:)
Hello everyone! I had a great weekend b/c I was invited to join Random Acts Of Kindness (RAOK)! Alright! I was so happy to get the invite, I joined ASAP. I have been working on getting my blog up-to-date that my WIP have suffered. I am getting angry with my scarf. Some of the stitches are very loose and look crooked! It is driving me insane and I am beginning to thing I don't know what the heck I am doing!See that loose stitch in the middle cable! aughhhhh. I have tried to fix it several times but no dice. Some of the cables come out peeeerfect, but others look absolutely horrible!
I am very happy with this hat. It is coming along very well but it continues to roll!!! I will start the cute tank top when my needles get here.
I need to start serching for my first RAOK. This is going to be so much fun. Wish me luck:)